


ParentSquare is a unified communication tool used by bet365中文的学校. 所有的学校, 教室, 俱乐部, 团队, 和活动将使用ParentSquare将所有学生的重要信息发送到一个方便的位置. 因为我们的目标是确保我们的家长可以在一个精简的位置轻松访问所有基于学校的通信, 任何外部通信工具(类Dojo), 提醒, 乐队, Bloomz, TeamReach, private class Facebook Groups, 等.)是不允许的. 欢迎来到bet365亚洲官网的家长广场!




  • You don’t have to take any action to receive emails, texts or phone calls. 我们的学生信息系统(PowerSchool)直接与ParentSquare同步联系信息. 如果你想用这个程序, simply download it from the app store and follow the prompts to register. We recommend registering so you can interact with posts, 注册机会, 完成许可表格和更多. 点击此处注册.

  • 是的. 第一次登录应用程序或门户网站时, all of your students should automatically be listed in your account. If you don’t see them, please contact your school office.

  • 只有bet365体育通过PowerSchool获得数据访问权限的注册家长/监护人才能访问ParentSquare. 没有人可以bet365体育通过ParentSquare访问学生的通信,除非他们首先被PowerSchool允许.

  • You can choose to receive messages via email, text, voice and/or the app. While you can opt out of any of these methods of communication, 请注意,本地区有权撤销被视为紧急或重要的信息和警报的选择, 包括健康和安全状况以及出勤情况.

  • ParentSquare允许学区、学校和教师以多种方式发送信息. 一种方法是在ParentSquare应用程序或门户网站上发布只会进入你学校的“feed”的帖子. 你的学校或老师也可以选择以短信或电子邮件的形式将这篇文章发送给家长/监护人. Staff can choose to send a private message to one or more users. 例如, 学校的护士可能会给你发短信,询问有关管理学生药物的问题. 第三种方法是在学区和学校层面发送“智能警报”——这些是需要立即发出的及时警报, 虽然不紧急, 注意, 包括运输通知, 午餐余额, 以及重要的学校提醒. 它们可以bet365体育通过短信、电子邮件或电话发送. 最后一类是“紧急警报”.“这些信息将bet365体育通过文本发送, email and phone call and include inclement weather notifications and emergency issues.

  • 请与学校秘书确认您的PowerSchool联系信息是否准确. All ParentSquare information is pulled directly from PowerSchool. 另外,请确保您没有更改ParentSquare中的通知设置以禁止电子邮件. 

  • 请到家长广场去.在登录页面,点击“忘记密码”." Put in your email or phone number, and you’ll be sent a link to reset your password.

  • 如果您想更改您的bet365体育, please contact your school or update the information through PowerSchool. PowerSchool syncs nightly with ParentSquare to update information.

  • 你可以去“我的账户”,点击“语言设置”,自定义你的语言设置.从那以后, you can choose the language you prefer from the drop-down menu, 你就会开始收到那种语言的内容. Here is a help article on how to change your language settings.

  • 你可以去你的主页,点击“我的账户”来定制你的通知设置." On your account page, click "Notification Settings" to customize your notifications. 如果你收到太多的通知, 尝试更改为“摘要”设置, meaning you’ll only receive one condensed message in the evening. 

  • You can contact your child's teacher privately by using the direct messaging tool. On the home page, click on "Messages" in the left sidebar. 从那里, 你可以直接给孩子的老师发一条只有你和老师能看到的信息. You also can send messages to other staff members at the school, 比如你孩子的教练和扶轮社领导. You can send these messages in your preferred language; the messages will arrive to staff in English or their preferred language. 

  • 为了改变你的注册, you must delete your existing sign up and sign up again for the correct slot. 删除您的注册, 把鼠标悬停在你的名字上, and you’ll see a trash can appear to the right of your name. Click on the trash, can and your sign up will be removed. 然后, you can click on the "Sign Up" button that corresponds with the correct slot.

  • If your plans change and you would like to change your RSVP, click on "Sign Ups and RSVPs" under the Participate tab in the left sidebar. 在这一页, 找到您之前发送过RSVP的事件,然后单击右侧的“更改我的RSVP”按钮.

  • If your registration link expired, you’ll need a new one. 请与学校办公室联系或发送电子邮件至 communications@cserramktdigital.com 并要求一个新的链接发送给你.


  • 如果您的孩子在您的员工帐户上不可见, 这可能是因为你在PowerSchool的联系信息中没有包括你的教职员学校的电子邮件地址. 您可以在PowerSchool中更新学生的联系信息,以反映您的员工电子邮件地址. You can also click on My Account, then under "Missing kids, schools or contact info?,单击“与其他帐户合并”. 如果这些路径不能解决您的问题,请发邮件 通信@Joplin学校.org.

  • 是的, if you would like to add a room parent to your class please visit Admin>Classes. 在此页面,点击“添加用户”并输入您想要添加的个人名称. 单击他们的名字以突出显示它,然后选择您希望他们拥有的角色:房间管理员或助理/其他. 

  • 您可以在需要时给家长和学生发电子邮件,或者bet365体育通过Canvas发送通信. 然而, because many parents have multiple children enrolled in bet365中文的学校, 我们希望限制这些家长必须搜索某个特定学生信息的位置. 考虑下面的沟通数学问题:Jane Doe有两个孩子,他们在两所不同的学校上学. One child has 7 teachers and participates in 4 activities. One child has 5 teachers and participates in 2 activities. 每个教练/老师/校长都有不同的方式,他们喜欢与家庭沟通成功, 挑战, 和提醒. They've all picked different tools that feel good to them. How many messages might Jane Doe get on any given day and from what messaging tools? 答案:极限不存在! 我们鼓励员工使用ParentSquare,以减轻家长的负担,他们试图及时和单一地点了解学校信息.

  • Teachers have the ability to create groups with students who are not in their class. Please visit Groups>New group>New Static Group. From here you can create the group and choose a name and description for your group, as well as whether or not you want the group to be public or private. 在底部, 您可以bet365体育通过搜索成员并勾选您想要添加的个人名称旁边的复选框来添加成员. 当你完成后,点击底部的“保存”.

  • 如果你想联系几位家长,而不是发给全班同学, 请使用“直接讯息”功能. Select "Messages" from the left sidebar on the homepage. Here, you can select either a single parent to message, or multiple parents. 只要在收件人字段中输入他们的名字,他们就会作为一个选项出现. 如果您选择了多个收件人, you will have the choice to create a private message or a group message. A private message will create individual threads to each recipient (like a BCC), 而组消息将创建一个线程,所有收件人都可以在该线程上进行通信.

  • ParentSquare提供了在帖子中请求父母志愿者和物品的功能. Click on “New Post” and create a post about your class project. 然后,在左侧栏中,你可以选择“请求项目”和“请求志愿者”.“下一个, 输入你需要的项目和数量, as well as how many volunteers you need and what activities they will be doing. Once you are finished, click "Post Now" and watch your sign-up fill up. 

  • 是的, if parents have contacted you about a sign up but have not signed up in ParentSquare, 您可以手动添加这些用户. 请登录ParentSquare并转到您想要添加家长的注册帖子. 然后, 在报名后,请点击报名按钮上方的“添加某人”旁边的时间段或项目,你想报名他们. Search for the user, highlight their name and click save.

  • 在主页的Posts下,单击New Post旁边的向下箭头,然后选择Appointment sign up. 根据您的需要输入会议选项. Be sure to leave yourself a meal break or other recess if needed. Choose how many guests can fill each appointment slot, and whether or not their sign up name will be public on the post. 单击Next. 像往常一样创建你的帖子, 指定收件人, 创建正文, 并根据需要上传照片/文件. 安排或张贴现在需要.

  • Office hours do not prevent messages from being sent to teachers and staff members. 家长可以随时发送信息, 但如果是在你规定的办公时间之外, 他们将收到一个弹出通知,提醒他们您在办公时间之外,并且可能在办公时间恢复之前不会回复.

  • ParentSquare确实提供支付功能, but bet365中文的学校 does not support those features at this time.